One of my nearest and dearest.. we'll call her Miss. Savage, has come to me for help and I'm at a loss!
Miss. Savage is completely smitten with a boy.. we'll call him Mr. Cox, who she has been friends with forever. They like the same things, they both know that they have fun together, and thanks to alcohol they know that they can blow each others mind in the bedroom.
Sounds great right? Down side is since Miss. Savage and Mr. Cox have been such great friends Mr. Cox is also friends with her EX, and has witnessed her having a drunken make-out session with another mutual friend, lets just call him Mr. Steele. And, Miss. Savage has a habit of drunken texted Mr. Cox ... with pictures.
Oh, and since this isn't complicated enough as it is, both Miss. Savage and Mr. Cox have said the dreaded 4 letter word to each other (Yup the L word) and have said and texted on many occasions when apart that they miss each other.
Miss. Savage is now desperate for advice on how to tread with Mr. Cox to test the waters and see if he is as into her as she is him. I'm at a loss, I mean the obvious answer is to just ask, right? But, Miss. Savage isn't ready to put herself out there for fear of rejection.
So how can you find out if feelings are mutual without completely putting yourself out there?
After taking some time for her to figure out what is important out of the relationship with him, she should open up and share what she expects. Who know, it might lead her to the ultimate happiness... :) best of luck!